Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Birdwatchers see rare swift killed by wind turbine: credit:

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The White-throated Needletail (HALCONES GALÁCTICOS)

Algo se les puede colocar a las turbinas, quizás un campo magnético que impida que las aves pasen cerca. Es como en el canal de Panamá, nuestro golfo es la sala de maternidad de muchas ballenas, y los barcos las golpean y a veces las matan, según tengo entendido la comisión ballenera internacional está coordinando un tipo de sonido que emitan los barcos para alejarlas a las ballenas mientras los barcos atraviesan el canal.

Las islas rojas son las Harris, pertenecen a Escocia que con Gales e Inglaterra constituyen la Isla Británica que es partes del Reino Unido. El mapa es de Wikipedia

JUNE 28-2013.  Around 40 people were watching the White-throated Needletail, the world's fastest flying bird, on the Isles of Harris when the tragedy happened.Sightings of the bird have only been recorded eight times in the UK in nearly 170 years, most recently in 1991, prompting around 80 ornithologists to visit the island in the hope of catching a glimpse.John Marchant, a project coordinator for the British Trust for Ornithology, visited the island on a specially-arranged trip with a group of other birdwatchers and witnessed the death.The 62-year-old bird enthusiast said he travelled from Norfolk when he heard about the arrival of the bird, which had brown, blue and black bird plumage.“We were absolutely over the moon and thrilled to see the bird. We watched it for nearly two hours. While we were watching it suddenly it was a bit close to the turbine and then the blades hit it,” he said.

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